What it means to "Stand Out" In The Digital Economy

So you don't end up like everyone else.

A brand is more than just a slick banner.

You’ve heard all the basic advice here on Twitter about profile optimization.

From creators that don’t know what they’re talking about!

A Twitter profile goes deeper than just the boring sh*t like:

  • Pinned Tweet

  • Banner

  • Bio

  • Profile Picture

  • Handle

  • Location

  • Website

THAT is good advice.

But everyone else is doing it. You look the same as other people.

That same big creator you’re reading from—

Everyone is copying him.

The market becomes oversaturated and you don’t get the results as promised.

So, what’s the missing piece of the puzzle?

How can you actually become unique and memorable?

And get that sweet profile conversion you’re looking after?

We’ll go over 4 points to create the best content and branding.

So that people want you for you.

Create something more meaningful then the visuals.

Who is this for?

This newsletter is for people that:

  • Don’t show their faces

  • Ask brainless questions on their timeline

  • Post platitudes

  • Provide no value

  • And everyone else.

If you fall into one of those categories, get to changing! Let’s get started!

1. Become Unique

My old profile picture was a carbon copy of @ItsKieranDrew

Except I was a cheap copy of him.

Just take a look at our banners.



Do you see what’s wrong with this?

The bio. The profile picture. The banner!

If I had kept this same image, I would have lived in Kieran’s shadow forever.

My point is, you can’t copy someone and expect the same amount of success.

In fact you’ll get subpar amounts of success.

And if there’s other people copying him (which is a certainty)—

That’s even worse.

If you don’t stand out, it’s hard to be remembered.

You have to forge your own path.

Become the outlier.

Become memorable.

Take inspiration from your idols - but if you become them - re-evaluate.

Thank me later.

2. What are you known for?

  • @ItsKieranDrew - Writer

  • @OneJKMolina - Likes Ain’t Cash

  • @thedankoe - Soloprenuership

Look! Those guys are outliers in their own ways.

And look how successful they are!

150k followers, 200k followers, 330k followers.

It’s no coincidence either. It’s for the same reason.

They created a memorable brand.

"Have you heard that Likes Ain't Cash?"


JK Molina is in your head.
"One person business? That sounds like that one guy..."


Dan Koe is in your head.

They’re attached to something, and that what makes them memorable.

It’s easier to associate something or someone with another thing.

That’s what our memory is connected to.

It pays attention to our surroundings and associates things with that scenario.

THAT’S WHY their brands are so good.

They’ve integrated that human psychology, whether accidentally or on purpose,

Into their own brands!

And then you remember their names easy.

You have to make yourself “that one guy.”

Repeat the same message over and over again.

And become remembered for it.

If you can’t, nobody is going to remember or buy from you.

You’ll be another sheep in the herd.

Become the outlier.

3. Personality In Your Content

Going back to what those big creators have told you:

  • They only told you about the profile.

  • Not the type of content that resonates with others.

What is a personal brand without personality?

People can see your face, but if your words are boring. Well.

They leave.

You can have all the branding, top tier graphic designer, whatever on your profile.

People are only on that section for 10 seconds before scrolling down.

And your content is the meat of what they see.

They see way more of your words then how stunning a profile is.

That’s why I believe mastering your content is so much more productive.

Than just mastering your profile.

Here, let me test you with a question.

If you were to strip your profile, would people recognize your work?

If the answer is NO—

Then you need to integrate:

  • Slang

  • Swear words

  • Exclamation marks!

  • Emojis

Become the outlier.

I have a friend that is struggling with adding flavor into his work right now.

And if you are struggling to implement personality, I got a suggestion:

  • Make your writing as outlandish as possible.

  • Doesn’t matter if you break rules.

  • Breaking rules is what makes you unique.

  • Don’t give a sh*t about it.

  • You’re remembered that way if you forge your own path.

I even wrote a tweet about this:

Now we’re on the opposite end of the spectrum.

How could you be the most boring person on earth?

There’s a couple ways.

  1. Questions

  2. Motivational Content

  3. Platitudes

I’m not going to name anyone, but they’ve literally killed their brands.

Everyone got so bored of them because they provided NOTHING.

It’s the creator economy. You get what you put in.

And those people didn’t put in SHIT.

I don’t fucking care who you are.

If you aren’t putting value out into this world.

You’re getting swallowed by people that do.

Become the outlier.

4. Who are you writing to?

@PathtoIkigai had made a thread recently about this.

In this thread, he details how important it is to target one group of people.

And one group only.

You have to make your audiences outliers too.

If you talk to everyone with the most general things—

They won’t find you interesting enough to read.

It seems counterintuitive to not pitch to a bigger group of people.

But your content becomes so dispersed that you don’t add any value to anyone.

And they won’t care about you.

Isolate your audience. Drop value for them to see.

Then see how much more they care.

Stop posting the non-niche garbage like:

  • “You don’t want to go gym? Go gym!”

  • “Average person can’t even do pull-up”

  • Stuff that isn’t targeted towards your dream audience

That’s getting you nowhere. Find your audience and do this instead:

  • Solve their problems

  • Add value to their lives and timeline

  • Target their pain points and emotions

That audience COULD BE ANYONE.

Your goal is to make your content so good that they follow you.

People notice when you put in value into your work.

If it solves something or helps them connect the dots.

Consider it a job well done.

Visually it looks like this:

Funnily enough you attract a way more engaged audience by targeting them.

They feel as if you relate to them and that’s a great way to earn their trust.

Thus your audience explodes.

There’s way more people than you think in your niche.

Hello folks!

I appreciate you going through my first newsletter issue.

If you liked it, I’d highly recommend following along.

I’m giving you the SAUCIEST sh*t you could imagine every Wednesday.

And I hope this was better than the average branding thread you see on Twitter.

Better than the basic sh*t like:

  • Pinned Tweet

  • Banner

  • Bio

  • Profile Picture

  • Handle

  • Location

  • Website

As always, become the outlier.

Sincerely, Matthew.